GG Second Half | pre-production

Glaucco Ginard – vox, acostic + electric guitars, keys

Billy Sheehan – bass (songs: 3, 4, 7, 8 and 11 including solo)

Andria Busic – bass (songs: 1, 2, 5, 6 and 10) vox (songs: 3,4 and 7)

Ivan Busic – drums

Thiago Melo – guitars + solo 7th song

Alex Hutchings – guitars (3 solo, 10 solo and 11 rhythm guitars)

Alfonso Perez – piano (songs: 9 and 10)

Marta Elka – violins (songs: 8 and 9)

01. A Little Story

02. My Dog Called Rock (My Dog Son)

03. Freedom (For The People)

04. What I Know (Soldiers Of Lord)

05. Would Be No Good (If You Were Not Here)

06. Let’s Start The Show (Are You Ready To Go)

07. I Met The Doctors (A Rock Song)

08. The Puzzle Of My Life

09. The Book (Instrumental)

10. Mom (Mother’s Song)

11. Nobody’s Fool

Peace | Love | Harmony
Balance | Keep on Dreaming